Industrial Engineering Education in Ethiopia began in Mekelle University in 1995 and later in 1996 at Bahir Dar University; it’s now widely educated and cultivated at both undergraduate and postgraduate programs in more than ten Universities. Irrespective of its infancy of launch in Ethiopia, Industrial Engineering graduates are working as leaders, senior researchers, and professionals in leading corporations, factories, Universities, policy study and research institutions in the country. In addition, Many Industrial Engineers are becoming the most successful investors or entrepreneurs by creating and owning private consulting or manufacturing firms.

The Ethiopian Industrial Engineers Association (EIEA) is a nationally registered professional association so as to promote Industrial Engineering Education in Ethiopia, to stand with and protect for the benefits and interests of the profession and the professionals, and to provide all related professional contributions towards realizing the industry-based developmental goals of the country. In this regard, Industrial Engineers can have peculiar roles towards realizing the developmental goals by enabling innovative and integrated business and investment options; by introducing and establishing systems and methods for efficient and effective use of organizational resources. The EIEA is also dedicated to enhance the quality of Industrial Engineering Programs in Ethiopia and to maintain the benefits and values of IEs as professional Engineers. Thus, the EIEA has formulated its strategic plan and issues based on and to be consistent with the graduate profiles of IEs, directives of the Ethiopian Agency for Civil Society Organizations, and development agendas of the country. 


The EIEA envisions to be a prominent professional association in East Africa by being the backbone of industrial growth in Ethiopia by 2020 by promoting state-of-the-art and lean technologies, techniques, and organizational practices, philosophies and culture.


• Strives to secure the professional benefits of Industrial Engineers;
• Progressively works to enhance the quality and delivery of Industrial Engineering programs in Ethiopia;
• Ensures the certification and accreditation of Industrial Engineers as professional Engineers;
• Coordinates and creates continual dialogue platforms and networks which aim at persistence of Industrial Engineering philosophy and practice.


• Respect professional interests and prestige
• Quality at source
• Excellence
• Adding value
• Customer satisfaction