The advantages of belonging to EIEA are:

Networking: Networking opportunities with clients, government officials, academics, senior management, fellow engineers and like-minded professionals from various engineering fields and disciplines. These commitments will allow members to deepen their knowledge, influence decisions by sharing their points of view, offer opportunities to market professional services and launch other commercial or social initiatives.

Technical information: as a member, access to documents and information to keep the members abreast of the latest technologies and best practices. This includes access to engineering journals that cover information and advanced technical developments; technical information such as practice notes and guidelines; as well as our newsletters, emails and new videos on our site.

Technical events: possibility of attending events organised by EIEA such as seminars, technical visits, conferences, seminars, courses or visits to suppliers to learn more about products and services.

Reduced costs: members benefit from reduced costs when they participate in events organised by EIEA.

Prestige: members are authorised to use the initials bearing their names depending on respective membership status.

Career development: as young engineers,  members have access to a greater number of experienced engineers who will be able to advise them or assume the role of mentor.

Growth as a leader: by participating in local or national committees, members develop their organisational and leadership skills while taking responsibility for planning and organising events, or assume the role of a leader such as a committee chair or a secretary; or work to sit on the board of directors and move up the hierarchy.